January is a time when we’re seeing out the old and ringing in the new – and one of the most popular customs at this time of year is to set resolutions. Many of these will be health-centered – but despite the high stakes, most people fail to stick to their well-intentioned plans in the long-term.

What is a New Year’s resolution?

A resolution is ‘a firm decision to do or not do something’ – although many see it as a way to implement new habits or cut out harmful ones. As many of us start afresh and focus on the 365 days stretching ahead of us, it’s natural to reflect and think about what we want to change and introduce moving forward and what we want to leave behind in the previous year.

Why do New Year’s resolutions often fail?

Of the millions of people worldwide who set New Year’s resolutions each year, only 57% will succeed – with 25% quitting within the first week. These low odds can feel daunting at first – but there are plenty of good reasons why people often fail – many of them easily remedied.

Another issue with New Year’s resolutions is timing. It seems natural to want to start afresh with the clean slate a new year brings – and following festive indulgences many of us understandably feel the need to get moving again and focus on health. But there are also some drawbacks to planning big changes right now – especially for those living in the Northern Hemisphere. Dark days, colder wetter weather conditions and lack of funds after Christmas can all contribute towards lacking motivation, weakened willpower and low mood.

The traditional ‘start of the year’ in many cultures is actually during March, during spring and the season of renewal when days get lighter and warmer and we begin to feel more motivated. So if you feel more inclined to hibernate than to kickstart a new habit, you’re not alone!

4 ways to stick to your New Year’s resolutions

If you do decide to put resolutions in place as the new year officially begins, being prepared and understanding what it takes to implement healthy new habits ensures you’re ready to make positive changes this January. These tips are backed by scientific research, ensuring that a firm foundation underpins your fresh start.

1/ Remember your why

Although it’s important to know what you want to do, it’s also crucial to understand why you’re doing it. Although other people might be asking you what’s on your resolutions list for 2023, don’t set a resolution without understanding the underlying emotional reasons for doing so. Without strong foundations underpinning your resolution, your motivation levels could quickly fall and prevent you from reaching your goals.

If you want to lose weight, is it because you want to fit in those jeans? Are you struggling with your physical fitness? Or do you want to be fitter and healthier overall?

If you want to change career, is it because you want more freedom? Better hours? More time with family? A more fulfilling role?

Keeping your motivations in mind when the going gets tough is a great way to ride out any rough patches and stay on track to stick to your New Year resolutions. Your goals should always be for you and nobody else, so be sure to think carefully and be clear about your reasons before setting a resolution.

2/ Be specific and realistic

Goal-setting experts agree that to maximize chances of success, goals must be a number of things – including specific and measurable. When you are clear on what you want and why, and feel as though it’s achievable, you significantly maximize your chances of successfully realizing those New Year’s resolutions.

Start by writing out exactly what you want to do and why. Be as specific as possible and if you can, describe exactly what you’ll do and how you’ll feel when you’ve done it. Scientific studies have shown that taking small steps towards a larger

target is much more effective than tackling a big goal head-on – so if you take this approach, make sure each step is realistic along the way.

3/ Make plans

They say that if you fail to prepare you should prepare to fail – and this is certainly true when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. Lots of people get carried away setting intentions – which of course is the most exciting stage. But behind those intention you’ll need a framework of plans which will help you to get there.

For example, if you want to lose weight, you’ll need to think about your daily food intake and what you may need to cut down on or cut out completely, alongside new foods and ways of approaching nutrition that may be healthier and serve you better. You might like to put together a food diary or plan in some meal prep to help you achieve your goals.

If you want to get more active, you’ll need to schedule in time to work out and consider and plan for any potential pitfalls you may encounter that could affect your progress.

If you want to spend more time with family, you may need to plan a meeting with your boss or look into flexible roles before you take the plunge.

4/ Be gentle with yourself

Change is a process – and when you’re putting new habits in place you’re bound to slip up from time to time. The important thing to remember is progress over perfection – don’t beat yourself up if you make a mistake or don’t hit your goals every time.

Many of us are guilty of this – and that’s because we tend to see the map of progress as linear – a smooth upwards curve towards success. In actual fact most people’s path to success is more like a heart monitor – a line with lots of small peaks and troughs moving in an upwards direction.

Whenever you feel as though you’ve made a mistake, fallen behind or ruined your progress, be kind to yourself and start again the next day. One small slip-up won’t make a difference in the bigger picture.

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