Magnesium is an incredibly important but often overlooked mineral which contributes massively to our overall health. Women in particular are prone to magnesium deficiency – and with symptoms that can mimic other illnesses and conditions it’s commonly misdiagnosed.

Why is magnesium so important?

Magnesium has a vital role to play for many different processes within the body. It is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and has a variety of crucial functions, including:

*Building proteins and strong bones

*Regulating blood sugar and blood pressure

*Regulating heart beat

*Supporting optimal nerve function

*Supporting tissue repair

*Supporting the absorption and metabolization of other vitamins and nutrients, including Vitamin D


Do I have a magnesium deficiency?

Signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency can vary, but often include:

*Poor appetite

*Feeling tired all the time (fatigue)

*Weakness and low energy

*Pins and needles, especially in the arms/legs

*Muscle spasms (including restless legs at night)

*Feeling sleepy in the ay

*Feeling shaky or light-headed

Over 50% of Americans are magnesium deficient, many of them women.

Preventing magnesium deficiency

The first line of defense when treating any kind of vitamin or mineral deficiency is to eat a balanced, healthy whole foods diet. However it’s becoming increasingly difficult to obtain all the nutrients and minerals we need from food alone, which is why supplementation can be essential for some.

Our Serenease blend features 6 ultra-absorbent forms of Magnesium to address imbalance or deficiency and promote elevated mood, reduced levels of anxiety and deep, restful sleep. Alongside a healthy balanced diet, taking magnesium can help to relieve symptoms of magnesium deficiency faster and promote ore restful sleep, regulate moods and ensure healthy bones and tissue repair.

Some other tips to enhance your magnesium uptake include:

*Eating magnesium-rich foods: Foods high in magnesium include wholegrains, nuts, legumes, seeds, dark leafy green vegetables and lean meats.

*Taking Epsom salt baths: Epsom salts are rich in magnesium which can be absorbed through the skin during a soak in the bath. This is most commonly used to soothe aching muscles and stiff joints and whilst it shouldn’t be your only source of magnesium, it may help in addition to supplementation and healthy diet.

*Topical magnesium: Oils containing magnesium can be applied topically using special oils or creams which infuse it via the skin into the bloodstream. However some tingling and irritation can be felt when using these products, so they may not be suitable if you have sensitive skin.

Discover more about our Serenease blend here.

Note: If you suspect you may have a magnesium deficiency or have any of the symptoms listed above, speak to your doctor who can run tests and produce a personalized diagnosis for you.