It’s a phenomenon that many perimenopausal and menopausal woman are familiar with – waking up to find that your symptoms are much worse first thing in the morning than they are at other times of the day. But why is this, and how can you alleviate the severity of perimenopause symptoms as soon as you wake up?

Common menopause symptoms that are worse in the morning

If your menopause symptoms are worse in the morning, you’re not alone – and it’s real. Some of the most common symptoms you may experience with greater intensity when you first wake up include:

*Anxiety and stress, low mood

*Joint pain

*Low energy and fatigue


*Brain fog

*Dizziness or feeling light-headed

Every woman will experience perimenopause symptoms at different severities on different days. Some days one symptom may be worse than another – but on another day, it’s the opposite way around. The unpredictability and varying numbers of these symptoms can make them frustrating to deal with, but with a little forward planning and consideration, it’s possible to reduce the impact of morning menopause symptoms.

Why are perimenopause symptoms worse in the morning?

The first step to treating morning perimenopause symptoms is to understand why they are happening. All menopause effects occur due to falling estrogen levels during menopause – causing fluctuations in our usual hormone balance which affects different areas of our bodies and brain. Overnight as we sleep various different biological processes take place – and we effectively fast from food and water. This can in turn cause biological and chemical imbalances which affect the way we feel when we first wake up in the morning.

Easing perimenopause symptoms in the morning

These surprisingly simple and effective tips work to reduce the main perimenopause symptoms mentioned above. Helping to create an environment within the body which works to balance hormones as much as possible during this time is an efficient and non-invasive way to manage morning menopause symptoms.

Snack or eat a small meal just before bed: We’re often told not to eat before we sleep – but for perimenopausal and menopausal women, a small snack before bed can help to alleviate many of the morning symptoms you may experience upon waking such as nausea, fatigue, dizziness and low mood. This is because these symptoms are associated with low blood sugar – overnight as we sleep our body becomes depleted of nutrients – especially if we haven’t eaten enough the day before. This can cause anxiety, light-headedness, low mood and fatigue. Opt for a light, protein-based snack an hour before bed to help alleviate these symptoms.

Hydrate: Dehydration is another major factor influencing the onset of perimenopausal symptoms first thing in the morning. As we don’t tend to drink much overnight, dehydration can quickly set in, adding to symptom such as joint pain, brain fog and light-headedness. Sleep quality is essential (and falling estrogen levels impact upon sleep, too), so you don’t want to drink too much water just before going to sleep. Despite this it’s important to top up on your fluids to keep these perimenopausal morning-time symptoms at bay.

Wake up slowly: When we’re woken up quickly by a noisy alarm or sudden jolt, this can trigger a panic response which can set off the entire nervous system. Instead, invest in a sunrise lamp or set a gentle alarm tone to wake you up slowly at your own pace without startling you out of bed. If you do feel dizzy, anxious or nauseous when you wake up, sit up comfortably and take a few slow, deep breaths – as many as you need to feel calmer and ready to start the day.

Create a routine: Having a simple but consistent routine for the night-time and morning can help you to prepare tools which can fight morning perimenopause symptoms. Prepping snacks, having water or herbal tea before bed and making sue essential oils, books or other things you may need throughout the night are close to hand makes it easier to deal with perimenopausal symptoms as they arise. Having a list of things to do and getting clothes or items for the following day ready the night before can also alleviate feelings of anxiety.

Natural, effective relief for perimenopause symptoms

At East West Way we harness the wisdom of traditional medicine and combine it with advanced clinical insights to create highly effective, bioavailable supplements for body and mind. Our Hormone Helper blend features maca, myo-inositol and choline to help rebalance and restore normal hormone levels and support optimal health.