As the sun starts to shine more often and the flowers of spring burst into bloom, more of us naturally begin to feel motivated to make positive changes. March is the perfect time to re-evaluate, refresh your life and health – whether you want to overhaul your health, lose weight, clear out your wardrobe or try something new.

Whatever your goals and desires may be for the month of March, here we share some simple and effective tips to help you hit refresh and spring-clean your life and your health this spring.

Why is March the perfect time to spring clean your life?

Although many people set new year’s resolutions in January with the best intentions, most fail. That’s because March was originally the start of the new year – as ancient cultures recognized the motivational influence of longer, brighter days, increased energy levels and an abundance of fresh foods.

Here we’ve shared tips to help you to address a few different key areas of your life, helping to improve various aspects of your mental and physical wellbeing. Each person’s focus and priorities will look slightly different – so be sure to assess and choose tips and techniques that resonate with you.

1: Declutter your space

When we cleanse our space, we clear our minds. Whilst decluttering can be challenging during winter when there’s little room to maneuver or breathing space, now is a great time to pull out all the drawers and cupboards and review your belongings to see what you no longer need or love.

Work methodically in a way that feels right for you – whether you start one cupboard at a time or with a whole room. Be honest with yourself about what you truly need to keep, and enjoy the calmness and clarity of having everything properly organized and streamlining your daily routine.

2: Rethink and refresh your wellness routine

Our health needs change all the time – so it’s worth scheduling a review every now and again to make sure we’re still getting what we need (and perhaps rethinking anything we don’t). Take a look at what vitamins, supplements and medications you are taking. What is working well for you, and what might you no longer need? Are you taking good care of yourself, exercising enough? How are your stress levels? Could your diet be better?

Conducting a mini health review like this can help you to identify where there are areas in which you would like to improve your wellbeing and what may need to change in order to help you feel your best. As always, it’s best to consult your physician before you plan on making any significant changes to your health routine, and you should always seek professional medical advice before stopping or starting any medications.

3: Spring-clean your body with a seasonal detox

Spring is one of the best times to start a detox – fresh air, opportunities to spend time outdoors and plenty of nourishing seasonal foods help motivate and inspire you to cleanse and refresh. Signs you need a detox include congested skin, low mood, poor digestion and low libido. As the weather warms and brightens we tend to naturally crave fresh, healthier foods such as salads and juices – all of which can be targeted to aid detoxification. In desperate need of a spring detox? You can find expert tips and advice on detoxing over here on Centre Spring MD.

4: Focus on healthier new habits

If you struggled to implement your new year’s resolutions a few months ago, now is the perfect time to revisit those burning desires that have been tucked away gathering dust for a while. Maybe you want to address your sleep cycle by putting a bedtime routine in place. Perhaps you want to cut down on caffeine, begin a journal or address a hormone imbalance. Either way, now is a great time to take another look at your habits and consider which ones need to go and whether there are new, healthier habits you can replace them with.

5: Try something new

We tend to stick to a limited routine and stay close to what we know without venturing too far from our usual daily schedule, especially during the darker winter months. But trying something new has been shown to have many benefits for mind and body – and now spring is here, it’s the perfect time to step out of your comfort zone. Think about some things you’ve always wanted to try but never had time to do – maybe it’s dancing, painting, yoga or singing. Then book a session

and give it a go! Buddy up with a friend or loved one if you’re nervous or need a little push to take that crucial first step. You could discover a fabulous new hobby, improve your mental and physical wellbeing and even make new friends.

Kickstart your spring detox today

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