Working in the background at all times, our hormones have a major role to play when it comes to our overall wellbeing. When we think of ‘hormones’ we most often recall the reproductive hormones such as estrogen and testosterone, but there actually are many different types of hormones with different functions influencing the way we feel and our overall health on a daily basis.

Hormone imbalance can be incredibly disruptive, especially when it comes to the reproductive hormones. Any suspected issues with hormones should be properly investigated by your physician – but if you’re awaiting a diagnosis or want to explore self-help options alongside the medical route, there are lifestyle changes you can make independently which can better support healthy hormone levels.

What are hormones?

Hormones are chemical messengers produced by endocrine glands which are found throughout the body – including the thyroid, pineal gland, adrenal glands, pancreas and ovaries. Small amounts of hormone are secreted at specific levels, working independently and together to facilitate various functions within the body.

Hormone imbalance occurs when too much or too little of each hormone is present in the body. Signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance include:

*Weight gain or weight loss

*Aches, tenderness and stiffness


*Increased thirst/hunger

*Fatigue and weakness

*Mood changes such as depression

*Blurry vision

*Decreased sex drive

5 ways to balance hormones

1/ Eat well

There’s a direct link between the quality of our diet and our hormone levels. When our bodies are well-nourished with a variety of vitamin-rich whole foods and the correct balance of macronutrients such as protein, hormone synthesis is optimized. But with so many relying on processed convenience foods and struggling to get enough nutrients on a daily basis, hormone levels can easily be affected.

Eating for hormone balance involves loading up on fresh vegetables (leafy greens in particular), plenty of fiber and reducing intake of refined foods high in sugar and fat. But one key takeaway is prioritizing protein. Without adequate amounts of good quality protein and amino acids peptide hormones can’t be produced – impacting metabolism, cell growth, mood and more. Opt for eggs, fish, grass-fed poultry, nuts and seeds, tofu and tempeh if you’re plant-based.

2/ Reduce stress

Stress can have a significant impact on hormones, especially if you’ve been struggling with elevated stress levels for a prolonged period of time. When we’re stressed, the body releases the hormone cortisol, which is a key component of the fight or flight response. This hormone gets us ready to run and is crucial for survival – but when activated too often over a period of time it can begin to disrupt other hormones and contribute towards weight gain, especially around the middle.

There’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach to minimizing stress levels – instead it’s best to try different techniques to see what works for you. A major life change may be in order – or a tweak to your schedule. You may want to seek professional help from a therapist, or try relaxation methods such as meditation and journaling. The impact of stress reaches far beyond our hormones – so if you’re aware that this is a problem for you it’s important to address it as soon as you can to avoid any further detriment to your health.

3/ Sleep better

Good quality sleep is the cornerstone of good health – and healthy hormones. With inadequate sleep various systems within the body can’t function properly, such as metabolism, immunity and hormones. When you’re struggling with insomnia or disrupted sleep it can feel impossible to find relief – but there are a number of holistic methods that can help such as breathing techniques, essential oils and herbal remedies. For intelligent natural support with sleep quality, try our Sleep Savior blend containing magnesium, melatonin and magnolia bark which balance cortisol for a restful night’s sleep.

4/ Move more

Exercise is essential for all aspects of health – but it is especially important for hormone balance and estrogen dominance. Scheduling in regular strength and cardio training via your favorite form of exercise is key in order to ensure hormone balance and enhancing hormone sensor receptivity. Regular movement also helps to maintain a healthy weight, which is crucial for hormone balance.

5/ Trust your gut

Gut health is directly linked to many systems within the body – in particular our hormone levels. Strong connections have been established between estrogen and the microbiome, on top of the well-catalogued impact of cortisol on digestion and bowel function. Poor digestion, chronic diarrhea/constipation and discomfort and bloating after eating are all signs your gut health may be less than optimal. Detoxes, probiotics and digestive enzymes can all support better digestion – alongside minimizing stress, exercising, eating well and avoiding trigger foods.

For holistic support backed by science, try Belly Fix. Featuring pre and pro-biotics, MCT aminos, collagen and glutamine, Belly Fix gently heals the gut from the inside out for improved digestion and relief from discomfort and bloating. Find out more or shop the blends here.